
Hot tea, a forest trail, the perfect wave, a new sketchbook, golden hour, my dog Mickey, the smell of an old novel, music, more music, photography, a home cooked meal, and breakfast with pops. This is a peek into my soul.

I spent most of my life as a competitive swimmer working up to a national and collegiate level. Cultural influences, familial pressures of perfectionism, and my own ego drove my vessel for years and years trying to be the best and “most successful” person I could be. Let’s face it, this world can cause feelings of burn-out, depletion, and anxiety. For many humans, experiences of grief, long work days, athlete retirement, and injuries can be life changing, uncomfortable, even depressing. As an athlete, I knew what it felt like to feel really good in my mind and body. I wanted to feel that healthy connection of strength and inspiration again.

Then Yoga happened.

Yoga has proven to improve cardiovascular function, musculoskeletal conditions, diabetes, brain function and mental health. This 5,000 year old ancient practice was designed to enlighten the body, mind and spirit. Created to move energy, liquid, matter, air, and emotions through your whole human being, yoga is known to bring harmony to your entire system. Out of all things, I’m here right now to tell you whole-heartedly that Yoga Works. Yoga truly Heals.


Location : ONLINE YOGA




  • Yoga Mat

  • Blocks (optional)

  • Strap (optional)

  • Blanket (optional)

  • Meditation Bolster (optional)